Hydrochemical Characteristics of Salt Lakes in Western Region of Inner Mongolia,China
投稿时间:2013-03-21  修订日期:2013-04-18
中文关键词:  内蒙古  盐湖  卤水  水化学
英文关键词::Inner Mongolia  Salt lakes  Brine  Hydrochemistry 《盐湖研究》2014年征订启事 《盐湖研究》是原国家科委批准的学术类自然科学期刊,由中国科学院青海盐湖研究所主办,科学出版社出版,1993年创刊并在国内外公开发行。 《盐湖研究》是国内唯一的研究盐湖科学和技术的专业性期刊。面向国内外报导交流盐湖,地下卤水,油田水,海水等基础,应用,开发和技术及管理的研究报告,论文和成果,探讨其资源的分离提取技术与综合利用途径。 《盐湖研究》为季刊,A4开本,72页,每季末月5日出版发行。单价:15.00元/本,全年订价:60.00元。中国标准刊号:ISSN1008-858X  CN63-1026/P。邮发代号:56-20。全国各地邮局均可订阅,也可直接与《盐湖研究》编辑部联系,联系电话:0971-6301683
张燕霞 中国科学院青海盐湖研究所,青海西宁 810008
中国科学院大学,北京 100049 
韩凤清 中国科学院青海盐湖研究所,青海西宁 810008 
马茹莹 中国科学院青海盐湖研究所,青海西宁 810008
中国科学院大学,北京 100049 
王腾 中国科学院青海盐湖研究所,青海西宁 810008
中国科学院大学,北京 100049 
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      2008年9~10月和2009年9月对内蒙古西部地区14个盐湖进行了考察、采样和分析。研究发现,本区盐湖卤水主要离子含量顺序为Na+>Cl->SO2-4>Mg2+>K+,次要离子为Ca2+ >HCO-3>CO2-3,微量元素为B2O3>Br->Li+。Na+的分布特征为东部高,北部中等,西南部偏低;而Cl-为东高西低;K+大致为南高北低;Mg2+为中部高,西部低,北部与南部中等。SO2-4、 Ca2+和CO2-3的区域分布特征均不明显;微量元素Li+ 、Br-、B2O3含量虽局部(两大沙漠连接带)有所富集,但绝对含量不高。对天然盐湖和人工采盐池的卤水进行了对比。采盐池中卤水因为蒸发强烈,离子浓度显著高于天然盐湖。分析天然盐湖与采盐池卤水离子浓度的变化规律发现,卤水蒸发初期Na+、Cl-、SO2-4离子浓度随矿化度的升高而增大,Ca2+离子浓度明显下降,卤水蒸发后期Mg2+、K+大量富集,整个卤水蒸发过程中微量元素Li+与B2O3浓度一直随矿化度的升高而增大。这些结果对内蒙古西部盐湖的研究与开发都具有积极意义。
      :14 salt lakes were investigated in western part of Inner Mongolia from September to October in 2008 and September in 2009. The order of the major ions content in brine is Na+>Cl->SO2-4>Mg2+>K+, the secondary ions is Ca2+ >HCO-3>CO2-3, and the minor ions is B2O3>Br->Li+. The distribution of Na+ is high in the east, medium in the north, and low in the southwest, Cl- is high in the east and low in the west, K+ is high in the south and low in the north, and Mg2+ is high in the middle, low in the west, medium in the north and south. Regularities of SO2-4, Ca2+ and CO32- ions distribution are not obvious in this region. The content of minor elements Li+, Br- and B2O3 in brine are not high but enriched in the connection area of Badan Jaran Desert and Tengger Desert. By comparing 5 salt lakes’ natural brine with their artificial solar pools, it has been found that higher ion concentration in the solar pools than natural lakes because of the stronger evaporation. The rules of brine evaporation process have been found that, Na+, Cl- and SO2-4 ions concentration increase with salinity while Ca2+ content decrease in the beginning of brine evaporating; Mg2+ and K+ are enriched in the brine during the end of brine evaporating; the minor elements Li+ and B2O3 are increasing with salinity in the whole process of evaporation. The research results are very important for further study and development of Inner Mongolia salt lakes.
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