Sedimentary Characteristics and Origin of Polyhalite of Kunty Salt Lake Mine in Qaidam Basin 
中文关键词:  察尔汗盐湖  万丈盐桥  柴达木河  别勒  格尔木河  达布  无机盐类  氯化锂  生产基地
英文关键词:Kunty salt lake  Polyhalite  Solid potash  Causes
杨波 中国科学院青海盐湖研究所 
摘要点击次数: 1497
全文下载次数: 968
      察尔汗盐湖位于柴达木盆地中南部,由东向西分为霍布逊、察尔汗、达布逊和别勒滩4个区段,总面积5 856km2,格尔木河、柴达木河等多条内流河注入该湖。由于水分不断蒸发,盐湖上形成坚硬的盐盖;青藏铁路和青藏公路即修建于盐盖之上,后者称作"万丈盐桥"。察尔汗盐湖除蕴藏有
      :Kunty Salt Lake is a secondary fault basin in northwest Qaidam, and the Kunty Salt Lake mine is located in it.Brine potash deposits are rich in the Kunty Salt Lake mine. At the same time, considerable reserves of solid potash are deposited in the mine. Polyhalite which was the primary solid potash mineral and mainly distributed in central and southern of the mine had an area of 302 km2 and embedded depth of 12 m to 65 m.It mainly stored in crystalline grain halite or clay layer and distributed in thin layer.Based on drilling core chemical analysis results, the K2SO4 grades between 2.43% and 8.78%, the average is 3.95%.The paper preliminary discussed the causes of different occurrences of the polyhalite, and two possibilities causes were speculated.During the salt lake deposit, when the gypsum and halite were deposited, the reaction of high concentrations brine and anhydrite generated polyhalite, and replaced the anhydrite or crystallized in halite holes. In the dramatic lifting period of tectonic movement, as the potassium is easily absorbed by clay material,when the further concentrated brine react with the clay,potassium will be deposited in the form of the polyhalite, and such polyhalite has significant primary sedimentary characteristics. In short, Kunty Salt Lake solid potash resources have high potential of mineralization.Finding out their causes and distribution can provide theoretical support for the development of Kunty Salt Lake solid potassium mineral.
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